‘Believe in Art’ y Vall d’Hebron Campus Barcelona (2023)
La ONG ‘Believe in Art’ y Andreu Buenafuente, llevan el arte y el color al Hospital Vall d’Hebron de Barcelona con el propósito de mejorar el bienestar emocional de las personas hospitalizadas, a través del arte. Desde junio de 2023, las áreas terapéuticas de rehabilitación del hospital de Traumatología, Rehabilitación y Quemados (Edificio 4), son un espacio más agradable para profesionales y pacientes, gracias a la actuación de expertas muralistas que han trasladado la obra ‘Curación’ de Andreu Buenafuente a las salas de Fisioterapia, Terapia Ocupacional y el Hospital de Día de Neurorrehabilitación de Vall d’Hebron Campus.

Samanté! (2020)
Art x Andreu Buenafuente. ‘Samanté!’, impossible word born from the radio program “Nadie Sabe Nada” together with Berto Romero, who also embarked on this project, and which defines and gives its name to the artistic insanity of the online shop www.samanteofficial.com.
Posters, sweaters, organic cotton T-shirts, with the idea of transmitting and communicating, are among the products to be found. Little by little, Samanté Official has become a platform for artists, where they can also sell their designs on irreverent T-shirts.

Samanté! (2020)
Arte derramado x Andreu Buenafuente. ‘Samanté!’, palabra imposible nacida del programa de radio “Nadie Sabe Nada” junto a Berto Romero, también embarcado en este proyecto, define y da nombre a la locura artística de la tienda online www.samanteofficial.com.
Pósters, sudaderas, camisetas de algodón orgánico con la idea de transmitir y comunicar, son algunos de los productos. Poco a poco, Samanté Official se ha convertido en plataforma de artistas donde también pueden vender sus diseños en camisetas irreverentes.

Extinto XL (2022)
Andreu Buenafuente, with his most pictorial style, illustrates the cover of this notebook Extinto XL handcrafted by Estudio Ductus. Inside there is white Fabriano Academia paper, 200gm and the cover is serigraphed by Tintaentera with 5 inks on light green cloth. A limited edition that will disappear once the 111 copies have been sold.

The Barcelonian (2022)
THE BARCELONIAN is a group illustration project which, through cover pages of an inexistant magazine, pays homage to the legendary magazine THE NEW YORKER. More than a hundred artists illustrate their relationship with the worldly city, the city of their loves and hates, to show corners, scenes, anecdotes and episodes from multiple perspectives and unique views.
March Cover 2022 “The Barcelonian”.
Title: Daybreak (8:00AM)

‘Save Ukraine’ with Save The Children (2022)
Childhood in Ukraine is threatened by Russian attacks. In the face of this situation, Andreu Buenafuente and the illustrator Riki Blanco decide to mobilise. The objective of this initiative is to donate to ‘Save the Children’ 100% of profits taken from sales of the charity T-shirt.

'Prou!/Basta/Enough!' with 'Fundació Lluita' (2022)
Coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the “Fundació Lluita fight against AIDS” and its change of name to “Fundació Lluita fight against infections”, Andreu Buenafuente has designed the charity T´shirt “Prou!” / “Basta!” (Enough) to donate 100% of profits to projects investigating infectious diseases, in collaboration with the University hospital of Germans Trias i Pujol.

FesTVal (2022)
Andreu Buenafuente created the poster for the 14th edition of FesTVal (The Vitoria-Gasteiz Television festival) which was celebrated from the 5th to the 11th of September 2022 at the Palacio de Congresos Europa and the Teatro Principal in the Alaves capital.

'X La Palma' with Cortefiel (2021)
'X La Palma' is a charity collaboration with Cortefiel, driven by the actor Toni Acosta with the goal of donating to the Red Cross all profits made by sales of the charity T-shirt designed by Andreu Buenafuente, to help victims of the Volcanic eruption in Cumbre Vieja in La Palma.